Inspired todo

Hey guys! Im always searching for inspiration on the internet, especially on the Youtube,
Pinterest, tumblr, etc. or even on a random google image
so for this week inspiration, I got from this woman, named Charli Marie.
She owned a channel on youtube. the first time I saw her on the youtube when I searching for
room tour video and her video thumbnail attracted me to watch her video.

so after a while scavenging around her channel I found out that she is not just a youtuber,
but a graphic designer (which is what im doing r n). I like her typography design that she made on her
t shirt design. I would love to learn more about hand lettering, print art and tshirt? why not ;)
she also owned a website, pinterest, dribble that I can follow her. wow!
I really easily getting excited about inspiration, about the way she manage her blog,
upload youtube videos, make designs. see? I made a typography in my photos above. that is my first proper typography haha. I thought  it was hard, but I nailed it. I have to put on effort on my stuff that I run. such as this blog, my youtube channel, and other stuff and also my study! but I more on to study because im still at the school age.
Owh, did I mention yet about my hair style? haha. this actually my first post about fashion. altho it
not about clothing, but Im on it!
well this hair style I created on me successfully (idk how I did it, nailed it?) haha.
I dont really know how to describe it, but it look pretty good on me, on my opinion.
on my head, with my face. bla bla bla. but im still weak in getting a product on it.
like this hair style, I didn't use anything except for just a small amount of gel.
my hair is naturally thick and dried. ugh, I hate my hair when it dry.
look definitely neat. bfore this, im just dont really know how to manage my hair.
I just let it grow, and cut, let it grew and cut. la la la..
and... I had more (only two) pictures of me posed with a dramatic impression.
thanks guys for spent your time reading this week post.
yes, im probably going to start posting more things on my blog, weekly!
some random things happen to me, daily inspiration, fashion?, life problem (mostly school problem),
and more stuff if I had an idea.
keep reading! xx


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